Camp Rules and Guidelines
Drop off/ Pick up:
-You must come inside every time you drop off and pick up.
-You must show a pick up card at pick up.
-Send a picture of your pick up card to them if someone else is picking up.
-If late at pick up please call and note there is a $15 charge if you are 10 minutes past time and $10 every 15 minutes after.
-Lunch is NOT provided.
-We do provide free snacks.
-Please pack plenty of food and snacks.
-If you send snack money it is your child’s responsibility to keep track of it.
-There are no refunds or credits once you pay for camp at the beginning of the week.
-There is NO carrying over days to the upcoming weeks.
-If your child has a gymnastics class after or during camp we will no longer be able to pull them out of camp.
- You must sign them out before there class starts.
-We ask you keep all tablets and electronics at home.
-We want to encourage kids to socialize and interact with crafts and games.
-If your child brings there phone it is their responsibility.
-They will be asked to keep cell phones in there bag. If they need to get ahold of you we will contact you in the office.
Potty Training/Hygiene:
-Your child must be potty trained to attend camp.
-If your child has 3 or more accidents we will ask you to not bring him/her back until he/she is fully potty trained.
-If your child has lice, skin rashes or anything else that may be contagious please keep them home.
-We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. We are also not responsible if your child purchases something on an iPhone.
After Care
-If you sign up for after care in the morning but come early for pick up there is no refund.
-We recommend if you aren’t sure about after care save a card on file. If your child is here past 3pm they can run the $15 after care with the card on file.
Have Fun!